spatial designer, 
interdisciplinary researcher,
at the intersection of minor
and migrant architectures,
non-formal dwellings,
and participatory
action research

1/2 @Common
Ground Practice

On possibilites
of sound as physical connection

The Hague, Netherlands


Architecture and design are open to a universe of meanings thanks to their inner property of
constituting elements of the social culture, as well as of creating them. Nevertheless when thinking about the social aspect of architecture one easily runs into the encounter between private and public. To what realm does sociality belong? Is it defined by communication?

Starting by desining my workspace in time of lockdown the project evaluates to what extent architecture and design help create connection. It seeks to be a crossroad between elements of the public and private realm and deals with isolation, interaction and privacy, investigating the creation of spaces through communication.
Driven by the need of music within my workspace, this project uses sound to create interactions. Its nature is based on dialogue: the necessity to intervene in the musicians’ workspace is necessary to design mine. The result is a series of scenarios which narrate isolation as a form of connection between me and others. By looking for interactions and testing physicality within the space, the project develops also new forms of proximities between the inside and the outside.  Can we use such kinds of engagements to re-look at our architectures and to set new possibilities of connections and use?


The realm of The design

Is it yours or is it mine?
Is it private or is it public?
Is it isolated or is it connected?
Is it near or is it far?
Is it closed or is it a part?

It is ours so it is public and isolated but nearly closed.

The use of The design

Is it appropriation or is it usage? 
Is it mine or is it yours?
Is it between us or is it between everybody?
Is it temporary or is it everlasting? 
Is it improvised or is it planned?
Is it analogue or is it digital?
Is it flexible or is it rigid?

It is used by you and by us but it is opened to everybody, temporarily. It is improvisation and it wants to be analogue to be flexible.

The perception of The design

Is it tangible or is it intangible?
Is it a behaviour or is it a way of dwelling?
Is it a space or is it an encounter?
Is it ambiguous or is it defined?
Is it soft or is it invasive?
Is it still or is it moving?

Is it tangible and it is a way of dwelling to set an encounter. It is ambiguous thanks to its soft moving nature. 

The expression of The design

Is it an impression or is it an expression?
Is it visible or is it hidden?
Is it accessible or is it exclusive?

It is an expression made visible and it includes everyone.

The power of The design

Is conviction a statement or is it a question?
Is it about solutions or is it about possibilities?
Is it adaptation or is it construction?
Is it made out of technicality or is it made out of humanity?
Is it for me or is it for you?
Is it a connection or is it a separation?

It is a set of questions. It is an adaptation of the human kind and it is for human beings to be connected. 

The future of The design

Is it dialogue or is it individualism?
Is it a community or is it a singularity?
Is it proximity or is it distancing?
Is it heritage or is it abandon?
Is it potential or is it an end?

It is a dialogue to gather people. It means isolation in terms of connection. It seeks for potentiality to be used as heritage.